
Gateways School

UK England 1246

School Facts

  • Name: Gateways School
  • Type: UK Independent / Private School
  • Location: UK England West Yorkshire
  • City / Town: Leeds
  • Religious Affiliation: All Faiths
  • Scholarships & Bursaries: Available
  • Address: Harewood, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS17 9LE
  • Telephone: +44 (0)113 288 6345
  • Website: www.gatewaysschool.co.uk
  • Associations: The Society of HeadsAGBISISBA


  • Number of Students: 444
  • Age: 2 - 18
  • Gender: Coeducational
  • Age Range: Nursery, Primary, Secondary, Sixth Form
  • Residency Type: Day
  • Day | Boys: 2 - 15 (159)
  • Day | Girls: 2 - 18 (285)
  • Sixth Form | Girls: 24

Gateways School

Contact Information

  • Tel: UK: + 44(0)8444 930 990
  • WhatsApp: +44-741-083-5933
  • LINE ID: study1
  • WeChat: SUUKUK
  • E-mail: [email protected]